A personal relationship with your personal physician.
If you miss the good old days where your doctor treated you like a respected individual, you’ll be thrilled to join One Body Clinic. We view the patient-physician relationship as being made up of a team of equals with a single focus to help you reach your healthcare goals.
We have noble ambitions at One Body Clinic, all of which revolve around giving you the most individualized care imaginable.
We’re diligently working to change the face of family medicine to one that is uniquely focused on the patient.
We desire to see fewer patients in the name of high-end medical care. We believe the best medical treatment comes from one-on-one interaction, so we’re eliminating the middle man and inviting you into our family.
Personalized care.
A physician who knows and loves you.
Relaxed office visits.
Same-day scheduling with little to no waits.
Quality time with your doctor.
Ask all the questions you want – we actually want you to!
Your doctor’s cell phone number. Yes, really!
Texting your doctor.
Inexpensive and direct service.
Know what your medical bills mean.
We work directly with you instead of hassling with insurance.

Amy Hogan MD, CFCMC
Dr. Hogan was born and raised in Kansas. Growing up she enjoyed the countryside, sunsets, and her horses. Earning a bachelor's degree in Nutrition Science from Kansas State University she loves how good nutrition can help the body and make it well. Her start in women’s care began by working with women of all backgrounds at crisis pregnancy centers from 1994-2006. She graduated from the University of Kansas School of Medicine in 2003. She completed residency at Via Christi Family Medicine in Wichita, KS. During that time she also became a FertilityCARE Medical Consultant.
After 15 years of medical experience, today she is founder and owner of One Body Family and Fertility Clinic, LLC. She has been learning and expanding her practice in Women’s Hormones and Wellness.
She wants to help everyone she serves to be their very best!